Sunday, February 24, 2008

Enthusiasts Unite

When I had found a local car club, I was a little excited and a little thrown off by the idea. A car club? Whats that? Well I attended a meeting, despite my being very shy and worried demeanor. I already know about clubs online and had enjoyed them, so I figured why not give it a try.

So I did, now many years later, I'm a huge part in the club and a sort of managing member. I drive much of the car show success because of being an active member and beneficiary for our club. I drive many miles around town on a daily routine, so our club ID is seen by many. I keep a good driving re-pour and don't make other drivers angry, however we all slip up sometimes.

I have learned many things about this vehicle that is sickens me when some people in the car show business can't relate or don't recognize this vehicle, yet we are a huge community. I would like to see my friend commenting on my blogs in the near future. Keep the PT articles running strong.
My Local car club SWFL PT Cruisers

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