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Colby Butler aka Kingkole02
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A Personal Editorial and Observation
I'll apologize to begin with on this lengthy semi-editorial and any grammar errors you may see. Many of the views you read here are not necessarily mine but shared by many.
I was accepted and part of the "Chrysler Advisory Board". A moderator driven board posing questions and polls in a forums based website. Maybe 50 people are part of this board and are able to give thoughts and ideas about Chrysler who is reading and supposedly taking in the thoughts and ideas that are being discussed. The board has been up for about 7 weeks now so hundreds of posts have been made. Many redundant but all valid in their own eyes.
Such subjects are: Brand Identity; Current Chrysler Cars; Current Dodge Cars; Current Jeep vehicles; Dream Cars; Ideal Features; Older Chrysler Product Cars; Eco-Conscience; Online Shopping; Safety & Security and Technology. The moderator, who is a Chrysler employee poses questions and the board responds.
Below, in no particular order or heading are some of the thoughts from the board postings: (and more below on the PT)
I could ramble on more and more about what all is being said in the Advisory Board. Some is totally unrealistic, much repeated over and over by many people. It boils down to Chrysler overall having poor quality and poor offering of vehicles. Too much over lapping of products and parts. Too cheap looking. Way too much redundancy between their line up. Many perceive Chrysler as being on their way out.
I would like to see that changed. Not sure if this Advisory Board will amount to any more than someplace for a few to vent. Will Chrysler listen? Do they have the means to make the changes? Will they make the changes? Only time will tell.
Original author undisclosed.
This was a colaboration of thoughts many had from various forum boards via the internet.
Thanks for reading.
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Colby Butler aka Kingkole02
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